Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weekend update

I had big hopes for this past weekend after a great training day on Friday. I took Saturday off to rest and I began the process of clearing out old junk and packing for the big move out West. Sunday I planned a brick workout (ride/run), but thunderstorms and all my junk in the living room put an end to that. I spent time with Amanda and my parents while I continued to sort through old pictures, papers, and mementos. It felt good to spend some quality time at the house; I’ll be missing that place soon enough.
Monday I jumped back on the wagon with a big swim workout in the morning and weights during lunch. Tuesday I hit the trail with Amanda and the dog for a great trail run. This morning we ate an early breakfast at Nashville’s classic Pancake Pantry to celebrate our wedding anniversary. I’m truly blessed to be married to such an incredible woman who is supportive of everything I do, no matter how eccentric I am.
I pick up the Rig from the shop this afternoon and then will hit the pool for a swim and then the track for a 600m superset workout. I’m getting excited about XTERRA Dawg Days and feeling like I can really make a splash at one of my last races of the year. The first goal for the race will to be the 1st AG out of the water for the second time this season. The next goal is to reach the podium and earn a solid amount of points in the US Points Series. Reading about everyone else prepping for the SE and E championships the next two weeks has me fired up during my own training. Thanks for reading….

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