Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Post Race Report

I had to sit around for an hour before I got some idea of my initial results. I saw them, walked calmly to the car, got in, screamed, and drove the 5 hours back to Nashville. Official results were posted today and it wasn't as bad as I thought:

9th place in my age group, 60th overall
15:28 - Swim time + Transition 1 time (20th overall, 1st in my age group)
109:43 - bike split
40:40 - run split (8:08 min/miles)
2:05:51 Total time
Total XTERRA points 36
9th - current rank in the southeast (top 10 at the end of the season make nationals)

It wasn't as bad as I thought, but that is almost worse because of what happened on the bike. I was 21 minutes off 1st place in my AG and 4 minutes off 5th place. Had I run the single speed and not had any chain issues I would have probably been AT LEAST 13 minutes faster and in second place. Suck. It was a learning experience, which is PC for no fun and I am super motivated to do it again. Right after the race I was thinking that wasn't the case, but a few days removed and I'm back to training with a whole new intensity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man, what drama! I'm sorry it didn't work out better. I noticed you were talking about remembering to have fun before the race. Do you feel like you accomplished that? It is impressive that you still placed in your age with all that trouble. Next time, you'll tear up the track in a good way.