Monday, May 4, 2009

15th AG - quick pics

XTERRA West Cup, Las Vegas - 15th in my age group

I think this was the toughest XTERRA course I've ever done. The run was brutal and that's where my back and my race totally came apart. I was able to put together a pretty decent race up until the run and even then it wasn't that I didn't have the legs - ugh.

I'm just glad I was able to finish the race and a couple points for 15th in a competitive field isn't too bad. A and I had a great time relaxing in Vegas during the rest of the long weekend, although I was in some intense pain on Saturday PM and Sunday AM. Some quick pics....

Me, Diva's coachhubby, and TriDivaSuper cool swim startIn transition
all climbing (except the SKETCHY downhills)and I thought this meant the hurting was over


Erin said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You did fantabulously! And your photograwifey took excellent photos. :)

Slater Fletcher said...

sounds like a tough Xterra and look like someone even lost a mud flap on the climb! Your stoked you scored some points for the series and will have more course knowledge come next year too....good job